Let NITOLIC® do the job for you


It is estimated that every fourth child in the world will get lice once in their life. The problem of head lice is found in all climate zones and it affects children and adults regardless of their social status. Until recent time, head lice was associated with poverty and dirt. However, it turns out that good personal hygiene and economic status is irrelevant. Nowadays, head lice are a serious problem in large cities and highly developed countries.

What is head lice?

For schools and daycares

The highest number of head lice infestations is recorded among preschool and school children. If lice are found in the facility, it is extremely important to have an ability to approach the topic and implement any immediate action to prevent head lice from spreading. As an experts in lice treatment, we have been providing help and materials for teachers and parents for almost 30 years.

Effectiveness and Research

Today, eliminating head lice is simple and can be done with just one treatment. The key to choosing the right solution lies in the comprehensive nature of the therapy and using a product that works effectively from the first use. Choose Nitolic® products for a proven solution—numerous studies have confirmed their effectiveness and safety.

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Here you will find the most useful advice and tips for head lice treatment and prevention.

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